Monday, 14 September 2009

Blood, sweat & tears

Mid week we are running a mixture of short 5-6 mile runs at fast pace with the odd sprint session thrown in and every Sunday we head out for a long run which increases by a mile every weekend. The idea is to build up to about 20 miles a couple of weeks before the marathon and then taper the training right down.

So far we are at the 15 mile mark and it’s not pleasant. In fact we have been so concerned about our body’s ability to deal with nearly 4 hours of running that we decided about a month ago to really focus on our endurance and ran effectively 3 half marathon distances in 5 days.

The good news is that we managed to do it OK. Interestingly (well it was to me) I weighed myself before and after the final run and found I’d lost 5 lbs of which the majority would’ve been through sweat and this despite drinking 500ml en route . This is a good indication of what the body goes through when running longer distances in heat (it was 27 degrees) and really shows the importance of being properly hydrated to start with.

Of more concern however was the distinctly blood coloured urine I had the joy of passing after one of the fast paced mid week runs. A trip to the GP ended with the cheerful assumption that “it’s probably Kidney stones” and I was packed off to hospital for an ultrasound.
Fortunately the ultrasound showed no problems and following consultation with a specialist urologist (now there’s a sh*t job) I was informed that it was due to over training and I should cut back a bit – great news for me!

Liz hasn’t escaped scot free either and has been suffering painful shin splints for the last week for which the only cure is rest. This is a bad time to go down with an injury so she’s been out on the bike to keep things ticking over. We’re hoping that two weeks off the roads will be long enough.

I’d like to end on a positive note but seeing as I’ve just returned from a long run with a torn calf muscle it might be a bit difficult! Although two weeks of rest, ice and ibuprofen means at least I get to put my feet up!


Unknown said...

I feel knackered just reading all this. My training technique, which has been adopted by most of Britain is to get a big bowl of dorittos, some garlic dip and vegitate while watching others run (and dive) during match of the day.
Good luck - not long now!

Liz and Matt said...

Thanks for the training tip Pete, we'll be using that method just as soon as it's all over!